Time Is God outside time?
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Created 7July'15.
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Is God outside time?

Is time the same everywhere, is 1 second here is the same as 1 second where God is, and in the furthest reaches of the galaxies?
The same second at the same time? Always in step, like synching voice to a video?

If light generated in distant galaxies has the same chemical and metal signatures as are produced by our sun, then time and chemistry must be working just the same out there, giving basically the same speed of light.
Is it just the perception of time: ie, God can do more in one second than I can do in a day, or could ever do?

Clocks run faster in space than down in a mine shaft because of the difference in gravity. It's a perception, just counting more or less seconds, but the sun comes up at the regular time, showing that the universe is all steady on the regular time, irrespective of clocks dividing time into more or less seconds. If you stay in space where time seems faster you won't arrive at Christmas any sooner. After a few years you may find that Christmas is a week late, but it is your perception, the rest of the universe went at the normal speed. Eventually you will slip back into the real world and real time of the universe, and hey, you are a week younger than you thought.

Time is the same speed here, there and wherever God is, but our perceptions are different. God says that he always was, he made the galaxies, so he must be much older than the oldest star, planet or gas cloud.

That God knows the end from the beginning is because he is controlling every step of the way towards the end and working towards the fulfilling of his prophesies. For the earth he has planed at least seven thousand years ahead, and has organised Heaven ready for us who believe.

In the same way when you conceive a project, you buy the needed parts that will help you achieve the intended end result of the project, so you knew the end from the beginning, if you are successful, as it was your plan.

In the same way life in our world doesn't look like the end product God has promised us, but he will make it turn out like he promised, at the right time, as he makes sure that all things are being built up and joined together to achieve the promised end.

God's perception of time is conditioned by trillions of years already passed, and by the fine details of every second of the present. God is outside our world but has exactly the same time as us, it's universal, and he can interact within our world whenever he wants to.

For further thought on the creation of the earth and galaxies see: starlight.html and the light time travel problem that many creationists are debating about, time dilatation, due to gravity, and alternatively, the speed of light, which, according to measurements made over several hundred years, has reduced in speed.

Why would God create the earth and put troublesome people on it? Is there a purpose for me? What about my family? See beginning.html for the full story of your purpose in this life, and how important it is to pay attention to the warnings of ignoring the great opportunity that is offered to you, It's genuine because God wants us all in heaven, but there are conditions to be met that are very simple to follow and achieve with God's help.

There are some major differences in the Christian world, variations in many points of belief. Check to make sure you are not in one of the very popular cults that is drawing you away from Jesus, by concentrating on other things, that are prohibited by the Bible, and downplaying any relationship with Jesus, who is the only source of salvation if you have a relationship with him. cults.html A look at the hallmarks of cults so you will avoid wasting your time and energy going down a trail that leads away from salvation and heaven.

Your comments, for or against, welcome.

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