Suspect answers evolutionists give to important questions..

There is a purpose and a glorious future for those who want it!

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Look into the false answers evolutionists give to important questions.
Do you have good answers to these questions that are keeping people from accepting the Biblical God. are running a very interesting program to try to get scientifically verifiable evidence from evolutionists that supports the Evolution paradigm. The claims evolutionists make are typical of the incorrect information that the schools teach, to try to support the humanist and atheist religions, rather than supporting science, or truth, by teaching assumptions about the past. The media promotes anti God beliefs with glossy story telling in books and TV programs.

Some of the claims are laughable, but when you think of the damage done to peoples lives, through dishonestly teaching that we are just animals, with no purpose, no value attributed to our lives, no future life after this one, and also encouraged to experiment with sex, its your body enjoy it, abortions cover up mishaps, choose your own morals, drugs are available, and OK. If we are here by a series of accidents then why not leave by accident, who cares? There is a great purpose, and if you miss it you will care, for a very long time!

Many lives spiral down with sex and drugs, purposeless lives and suicide, and we wonder why. It's because we teach them they are valueless, purposeless accidents of evolution, could have easily been aborted, abortions they have had don't matter. So why not commit suicide if things get unpleasant? Children get bashed, even murdered because others don't care about the great value of human life, because they have accepted evolution hype as if it has some truth. But there is a great value in your life, a long term purpose and great future, if you look for it, and God desperately wants you to have it, but you must decide.

After over 200 years of searching for evidence evolutionists cannot come up with a single intermediate fossil, or any evidence of progress from simple to more complex creatures, ie. microbe to man. They cannot explain how the information in the DNA did come about, we know that in the present information and planning can only come from a mind, so how could the first replicating entity be formed unless by a superior mind with manipulative abilities? Then why not everything, since this is the best match for the fossil evidence of the Cambrian explosion, and following onwards?

Read up on the poor excuses evolutionists come up with, that they think are evidence because they haven't been taught to think things through scientifically, but to just accept without question the unconvincing stories they are told in school, or in the media. If it doesn't make sense it's because you don't understand enough about evolution! No, it is because evolutionist claims don't make sense, lack scientific credibility, keep changing back and forth trying to bolster up the claims as new contradictory evidence dismantles large parts of the evolutionary paradigm.

See: To see the full text.
Also read the summary of the 15 Questions is specifically asking for answers to. do have logical scientific answers to these questions that differ considerable from the evolutionary assumptions, and also answers to many other questions.

As a Christian you need to know the answers so you can draw other people to the God of the Bible, perhaps saving some out of a miserable disastrous life style. It is your Christian duty to save those who would otherwise perish.

Find the truth because it is the truth that sets you, and others free!

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