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The 10 kings of Revelation

It seems that those who discuss and pontificate on who the 10 kings are, always assume that they are ten kings of Europe, forming the EU.

I was listing to one promoting this and it suddenly hit me that the "man of Perdition" got into power because he claimed that he would solve the "Whole World's Problems" , not just the EU. So the ten nations may simply be dividing the world into ten areas, such as "SE Asia " would include Philippines, Indonesia, pacific islands, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctic. Perhaps ten major nations or power blocks will join to form the New World Order, giving power to someone who rises up from the ranks promising to solve the world problems and bring world peace. Other areas would include Russia, Canada, South America South Africa, some-how organised into the remainder of the ten divisions, the EU counts as one conglomerate, each headed by a king/ president/ head honcho. Back in the 1960's when this study of the 10 kings and who is the "son of perdition" became popular it was about the formation of the EU, but the end product of the One World Government, although often mentioned by world leaders was so far distant, unlikely and not understood, that it was not considered in the discussions.

Many nations are pushing for a "New World Order", USA has been prominent in this, and these are the ones who will push for one man to govern the whole world as this would stop the indecision and bickering, and there would be one plan and everybody would be commanded to follow it for the good of the whole world. There will be penalties and controls for those who don't agree, because every nation is highly dependant on some other nation for some of their supplies, such as oil, food, medical supplies tourism etc and selling their goods. These can be curtailed by adjusting the exchange rate, increasing the price or refusing to trade, until the conditions set by the BEAST of Revelation Ch.13, probably the one from verse 11 onwards, are met. There are two beasts in Ch. 13, pick one.

There is a religious leader, probably the present pope who has control over many nations and in South America can combine countries into one political unit if he wishes. He is working hard to force all beliefs, Eastern, Muslim, Hindu etcetera, to join together in the Roman Catholic Cult. It will be such a mixture that dogmatic statements such as Jesus is the only way, and Jesus is alive cannot be accepted by the majority so will be excluded. All the popes have hated those Christians who have the Bible and follow its teachings, such as Huguenots, Albigenses, Waldenses and notable figures in the Reformation, and anyone who refuses to worship the pope, as the popes made no profit from them. Real Bible believing Christians often drew Catholics away to the teaching of the Bible as being God's word, with verses such as John Ch:3 verse16, which the pope hates, anathema he says, a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication, being one example of the popes being totally against God, and unable to give "Salvation" to anyone. ( the right for sins to be forgiven, and be accepted into Heaven at Jesus' expense). You have to get salvation directly from Jesus by making a permanent commitment to serve him. You cannot get absolute proof of God's existence, until you make the final commitment, then the Holy Spirit confirms the truth of the Bible and the love from Jesus, this is only for those who really want the close relationship with Jesus.

What is the "mark of the beast"?
Future World government and control of the world.

Are you in a main line Christian Cult?
You should be concerned about your beliefs and if your Church is leading you correctly. Many groups have formed their own Christian belief to suit their own purposes, grandioseness or money, both of which are prominent in the Roman Catholic Church, the richest, most ornate of all, is this for God, boasting or power?

