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Updated 21 September 2016. 15May17

Looming World Government will take demonic control

As major corporations take control, with many of the same people as major shareholders or owners our choices are diminished. Also countries have less options as those controlling banks and industry wield enough power to block international trade and control Nations by changing prices or availability of commodities. The present low oil prices (Jan2015) are an example of how we are caught in other nations schemes, this time it's low, but if many sources shut down, such as fracking in the USA, ( bankrupt them and buy them? ) perhaps governments should put an immediate "low price tax' on imported oil to keep the market steady, and then the price rockets up, we have to pay dearly.

The media

There are many strange things going on in the world. Christians are being attacked and murdered throughout the world and the governments are doing nothing about it. Most of this is being carried out by Muslims and they are becoming increasingly violent. Much of this is reported in the news, and often some of the violence is shown on the TV news. As much of the violence involves Israel defending themselves against attack by people who had sworn to destroy Israel and take all of the land for themselves, the media put a different interpretation upon it and blame Israel for defending themselves, even saying that the war started when Israel fired back in defence of themselves or as one reporter put it "Call it genocide, call it ethnic cleansing: the aim is to kill Arabs" (The Sydney Morning Herald, July 26, 2014). A ridiculous accusation considering how much trouble Israel went to to warn people in Gaza just where they were going to bomb, even ringing householders in Gaza to warn them. So why is the News Media so eager to put out flagrantly misleading reports? Muslim suicide bombers are so frequent that it is hardly worth reporting, usually it is agains Muslims and their desire to control all Muslims, make them all of the one version of the belief, instead of several different versions Sunni Shia and others. ISIS can murder several thousands at a time of non-Muslim and Muslim, and the "world" doesn't care.

Legal establishment

Under the Balfour agreement Britain was in charge of setting up a land for the homeland of the Jews this included all the land of (Trans) Jordan which England gave to the Arabs and then reduced the land even more, and at the very last British soldiers were fighting the Jews and helping Arabs to prevent the establishment of Israel, but God had decreed that it was time to return to the Promised Land, and then the British Empire fell apart and Britain has descended into trouble ever since, and may become a Muslim dictatorship/ Caliphate.


For some inexplicable reason governments worldwide are accepting Muslims quite freely to come and settle in their country, believing they are peaceful, poor underprivileged with most of the worlds oil wealth, being persecuted or are escaping from bad conditions and violence perpetrated by Muslims. At the same time, it is well known that the Christians and Jews and other minorities are being persecuted and murdered, Churches and shops and housing being burned down because they were occupied by Christians or Jews, most commonly in Muslim lands. The question to me seems to be why are we not taking the Christians and Jews out of the danger and making the Muslims stay in their own Muslim countries where the Muslims are making it unpleasant to live, then the Muslims themselves should be trying to make it better by trying to fix their own social problems. It seems to me that the one they worship does not want them to prosper, and in spite of all the oil revenue the masses will always be poor, deliberately. Wherever Muslims rule the masses are very poor, and the leaders are very very wealthy. It seem that their god needs to keep them poor so that they can be turned into a hostile mob , and in the present times a murderous one, that gladly kills Jews, Christians or any non Muslim, or burns down homes or churches

The plot and problem

I believe that those who are trying to form a One World Government are looking ahead at one of the major problems that they would be up against, that is that a Christian majority would not accept the trading mark, which is one of the essential features of controlling the entire world population. At present the UN is calling the shots, but world controlling forces are behind that. They are probably well aware of the warning in the Bible and the Book of Revelation that those who accept the mark cannot go to Heaven to be with God. Part of the strategy is to destroy the belief in God, they have been working on this for many years teaching evolution and criticising the Bible, because the Bible gives a definite starting date for the world, and the purpose for creating the world, and the purpose for our lives, and also the guarantee of eternal life with God, for those who accept the offer. There has been a great increase in attacks against the Bible and to stop recognition of anything biblical, and the Courts, particularly in America have been supporting anything that goes against the Christians and the Bible, supporting the religious belief in Atheism, Humanism, Muslim and the religious belief in evolutions "just so" stories.

( The UN is restricted by one vote for each country. As the numerical count is a high number of Muslim countries and also a high number who have no care about human rights, then there is only a few who uphold human rights and freedom of religion, so the result is a highly biased outcome of anti-human rights and strong anti-freedom of religion and a freedom for all sorts of morals, even encouraging any behaviour, except against the government. Torture and prolonged imprisonment, and even being found guilty of alleged offences because the judges are afraid of the "mob" outside. Those nations who have a strong human rights and freedom of religion ethic should leave the UN to make it clear that it is too one-sided to be a useful World Organisation. It will always be against God and anyone who is seen as a reminder that there is a Creator God to whom we must answer).

The plotter's solution

This leaves a problem of how to control the last of the Christians and be able to convince people to take the demonic trading mark. I believe that this is why they, (the world leaders setting up the future one world government), are spreading Muslims throughout every country because the Muslims are attending the Mosque frequently during the day and can be stirred up into a violent rabble at a moment's notice. Charlie Ebdo Magazine is anti Christian but the Muslims world wide used it as an excuse to go and murder Christians and destroy churches, shops houses etc, proving that they are an unstable evil force, bad tempered brats, and the Muslims praise the murderers and suicide bombers as heroes. They can also be incited to go and murder Christians or any group that is opposing the imposition of the trading mark and I see this as the long term goal of giving Muslims such freedom in other countries that they will be ready to become violent at any time. The Muslims expect their Mahdi to come and restore peace to the world, this is why they are having an all-out war to establish Islam as the world religion, and Jihad, killing all infidels (that is you) is their way to do it. If their Mahdi comes he might be of a slightly different version of the Muslim belief, and seeing how at present each faction hates and murders the others the Mahdi might murder them all. He will not bring peace as their god will not allow them any peace. Truly peaceful people don't raise suicide bombers, or extol their murders.

Already they have been attacking governments in Canada and Australia, Twin Towers in the USA, and many converts are leaving UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States to go and fight in ISIS, which is the most violent form of the Muslim belief that there has ever been. It is true to all the violence that is in the Qu'ran, but none of the peaceful verses.

World conditioning.
A small example

Inexplicably the NZ government 1989 ignored the recommendations for raising the age for buying alcohol and lowering the alcohol limit for driving, increasing tax and other measures to curb the drunkenness and violence associated with it. Recently a NZ TV program on the problem pointed out that almost all of our breweries and wine production is owned by two overseas companies, Mitsubushi and Heineken and they have an enormous clout in our economy not only because of what we buy from them, but their profit is greater than NZ's Gross Domestic Product, and they can pull strings world-wide to cripple us or take us to World Courts in crippling negotiations. It seems that our Government has little control in NZ and has recently sold off up to 49% of our electricity production in two major companies, which will probably soon be in overseas hands. The Government sold the shares in spite of public opposition, was this because of outside directives? Most of our banking is owned by overseas Banks. We are just tenants in our own land and very vulnerable, any part of our economy can be used to destroy us if we don't obey overseas directives. This explains some unjust laws and ones liberalising all sorts of "amoral" behaviour even against majority public protest, it must have been pressure from overseas, UN etc, making all nations adopt degraded standards. Extrapolate this to the whole world and it will be easy for a small group to control any country that does not comply by simply restricting their fuel, food, exports, or their exchange rate by simply telling other slave nations not to have dealings with them.

The UN has many sub groups that make decisions about what laws and rules must be passed by all nations, these are stacked with those who have an agenda to control and disable any dissent, and these laws are then pushed onto everybody whether or not they agree with the decisions.

Few who control

The news media is controlled by just a few, who have investments in newspapers, radio and TV, so can control what is not published, and what is. Also large corporate interests can threaten to withhold their advertising or take legal action, if anything they don't like is advertised or news which is against them is published. In many cases major shareholders have major holdings in unrelated companies, so those companies must not be portrayed in a bad light by the media, but supported even as they try to evade their responsibilities. World wide the media spews out hatred against Israel, in spite of the fact that the Jews are world leaders in technology and medical treatments and the only democracy in the Middle East, even electing Muslims into the Knesset (parliament), and some are Mayors. This is just a part of the attempt to distance the population from the God we must answer to, so we have no fixed moral compass and can be lead about by public pressure and media to accept what the "overlords" want.

Honesty is needed

"Honest Reporting" are striving to combat the outright lies and deceit against Israel, but they are at the bottom of the waterfall trying to clean up some parts of the mess, as it goes past, but have no way of stopping the media who are pouring the lies and deceit over the top of the falls in a continuous global stream of unjustified hatred.

Why is this?

Israel and the Jews are a full in your face statement that there is a God of Creation and that the Jew's Messiah is about to come to rule and reign, and punish the nations that mistreated the Jews in particular, and all those who were against the one and only God of Creation. As this is a spiritual battle, who will be the greatest looser? Lucifer who is now Satan will loose his authority as the "Prince, or god, of this World" and as he is a liar and a murderer from the beginning all those who have worshipped him, particularly by murdering and suicide bombing, will go into eternal damnation. Like Hitler wanting to setup the Third Reich to rule for a thousand years, those who probably hope to have absolute rule of the world for a thousand years, by controlling food, power, fuel and money have no hope, as the Messiah is the one who WILL rule for a thousand years, and he is unbeatable, he has prophesied over two thousand years ago that He will reign for a thousand years, and he will do it. All the prophesies about his coming the first time have been fulfilled, so it is certain that all prophesies about the Second Coming will also be fulfilled. The major prophesy is that the Jews will return to the Promised Land, and be hated and opposed by all nations. This is obviously true now. (See Zechariah Ch. 12: Verses 1 to 6, and v9 - 10.) This was written about 2500 years ago. God has planned a long duration play, which he is working out over a period of 6000 years, because he wants trillions of people to join him in Heaven, but only those who will be peaceful and loving.

The following were brought to my attention and seem to be reliable

Some call it "conspiracy theories" or New World Order. Anyway, the key to understanding the current political and economic events is a restricted core of families who have accumulated more wealth and power.
We are speaking of 6, 8 or maybe 12 families who truly dominate the world. Know that it is a mystery difficult to unravel. We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.

These Corporations Control Almost Everything You Buy And Watch
This chart shows that most products we buy are controlled by just a few companies. It's called "The Illusion of Choice."
Despite a wide array of brands to choose from, it all comes back to the big guys.
If you doubt the accuracy of these then do your own research.

Killed by sword

There is a warning in the Bible of being killed with the sword and of being killed for refusing to take the "trading mark", Mark of the Beast.
Revelation Chapter 13 verse 10. If anyone is to go into captivity into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword with the sword he will be killed.

Muslims, particularly ISIS, are beheading people in large numbers, entire town populations, even of Muslims, who are of a slightly different version of belief, which would make them, ISIS or similar radicals, the ideal people to carry out the enforcing of the trading mark. Muslims see the number 666 as referring to the Quran, so if you refuse it, and becoming a Muslim as well in the process, you have insulted Allah and that is a death sentence in the spot.
For more on this see:- 666.html The Muslim view of the Mardi and the number 666.

The Muslims believe that as long as they call it Jihad they can murder people and gain a better standing in Paradise, perhaps more wives, this is a very selfish mean spirited outlook. What about the rights of those they murder? They believe that they will go to paradise, (but whose "paradise") they are not considering that all murderers go to eternal damnation, they are in for a shock, they won't get any of the 27 gorgeous wives they are hoping for, but they wouldn't know how to treat wives and enjoy their company properly anyway. This is just the "carrot for the donkey" once there you don't get the carrot, and to whom can you complain? As honour killings are very prevalent among the Muslims, the best I could wish for these men is that they get 27 wives who have been abused by Muslims or murdered because of honour killings, and that these women would give them absolute hell for the rest of eternity, nagging, complaining, criticising all the time, but since they are dead, and now in the spirit realm, the women can't be killed again, or got rid of.

Mark or death? Choose death!

He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to received a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 15.
It is made to sound good, a safe way for banking and trading but don't take any "chip" or mark in the right hand or forehead as once you have accepted it you are doomed with all those who are against God, no turning back. Though the trading mark may be in use in preceeding years, it is still a death sentence, this enforcing only seems to apply during the last three and a half years of the Seven Year Peace Agreement that comes at the very end of human control of the Earth, after which Jesus will reign for one thousand years. The King James Version says in the hand or in their forehead which seems more likely as it will probably be a chip inserted under the skin.

Taking the mark is "turning against God"

A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand he too will drink the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulphur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name. This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Revelation chapter 14 verse 9-12.

The Book of Revelation

This book was written by the Apostle John, the one of the apostles who was beloved by Jesus. He was on the island of Patmos and had a clear vision from Jesus. This was nearly 2000 years ago, and to see the predictions coming true in our time means it is certain for it all to come true. Much of it is veiled so you cannot see it to avoid some of the consequences, but there are clear markers that will help believers to know what is just about to happen. All nations come against Israel, (which they are doing: good true prophesy) seven year peace agreement, desecration of the Temple (not built yet) after 3 1/2 years, two witnesses dead on the ground for three days then they come to life and go up to heaven. If you are still there and haven't taken the Mark pray hard for Jesus to save you, dead or alive, but most importantly remember:-


Salvation, getting right with God

John 6:28: Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"
John 6:29: Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."

Note that you don't have to work for salvation, you cannot earn it, it is a gift to those who believe. It is an eternal contract and God does not like people who renege and may discontinue if you irrevocably turn away. So make sure you want to worship God or find out why you should before deciding, but don't take too long about it. He is a kind and loving God and wants the best for you, but this is not necessarily what we think is the best. Once you are in a loving relationship with God, having accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, then there are things to do to draw others, or help others, but this only shows that you have that relationship, it does not earn anything to get you into heaven, that was a gift that included forgiving all your sins and misdeeds, past and future.

John 3:14: Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,
John 3:15: that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him."
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:17: For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:18: Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

Accept God's Gift, and do His will.

If you have ignored God because you prefer evolution I am very sorry for you. Just consider what was the nothing that exploded in the "Big Bang" and spued out all the gas that eventually formed everything, even though gas disperses and never coalesces into stars, a scientific problem puzzling evolutionary scientists.

Even if all our oceans were amino acids jostling about to form just one simple protein of 150 amino acids the chances are 1 chance in 10 164, that is 1 in 10 with 164 zeros, and then there would be one lonely protein somewhere in the ocean, and who would know? It will soon break down or be contaminated. (This calculation excludes many other problems that would make it vastly less likely, such the presence of other amino acids that are not used in life, and the presence of water, which breaks chemistry down.) To make life you need several hundred proteins of various types, some a thousand amino acids in length in exact specified order, and somehow get them organised and attached correctly, and get the "life force" whatever that is that makes the cell function. Specifications for all the proteins have to be read from the DNA. How did this information get there?

Life is so complex that it takes intelligence, planing and the ability to manipulate the chemistry in order to form life, as chemistry naturally forms gunk, and not the pure organised way needed for life.

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Other people's web pages

Creation Covers just about everything on evolution/ Creation/ Intelligent Design/ God. Access to the Magazine articles. More technical and scientific. effort to correct some of the problems with evolutionists more fanciful claims. scientific articles, and free Email news articles on research reports from scientific papers. Numerous articles on questions about evolution and ID, and Christianity.Good emails on latest science. Also on   and articles on

Out of Zion Ministries The CARMEL ALERT email about what is happening in Israel.
(Email: Facebook: out.of.zion.ministries Twitter: outofzionmnstry) Good scientific articles related to various aspects of science, besides those listed here.

  • Hydrothermal Origin of Life? The chemistry and theory of the situation.
  • Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Scientific details of the problem of the accidental start of life.
  • Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks.
  • ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell. short articles on the aspect of Jihad, and the dangers to our society of ignoring what is going on . A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation.

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