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WYSIWYG, borrowed from desktop publishing, "what you see is what you get".

My theory of creation is that everything should be in accordance with the statement:

WYSIWYG, if (as the bible says) God created each and every basic species (barimin) to reproduce after its own kind, finished creation after six days, and Noah's flood happened as described.

What you should see therefore is all life, plant and animal, was created at the start, ie: suddenly millions of separate species with no precursors to show what they could have developed from. Not everything will be found in the earliest fossil beds, but may yet be found there, but by chance some may not have been fossilized until much later. The more mobile, and more intelligent are more likely to have escaped the earlier stages of major floods, perhaps by making to higher ground, and be buried at the top, or be insufficiently covered, and therefor more likely to decay and not be fossilized. Also by being buried later in the flood the remains are more likely to be re-worked by later ebb and flow of what could be massive ocean currents prompted by seismic activity, since the "great deep" broke up, whereas the initial deposits were less likely to be re-worked, having been covered over. Shellfish and bottom feeders are most likely to be buried at the bottom, being overcome by silt and debris, and could be buried long before land creatures were overcome, and washed to the area.

You should not see any intermediates, or a succession of small developmental steps showing evolution towards higher forms of the species, or into another species. Because of genetic errors there will be a degrading of species, branching into subspecies that have lost some aspect, such as the ability to fly, but still have rudimentary wings. Dogs breed dogs and cats breed cats, but there is no evolutionary path of modifications between them, or from a common ancestor, in spite of similarities, such as four legs, head and tail. Some species may split into several species, the aurochs being an example, as it is believed to be the ancestor of all domestic cattle. It may have descended from a common ancestor to the water buffaloes and bison. This is in the pattern called "creationist orchard". *1 Some species will have been lost because of genetic errors, or changes in the environment, or being overcome by predators.

Heavy floods, particularly one detailed as Noah's flood would create and rework many fossil beds, and leave deposits stretched over thousands of miles. Because of the distances covered and the massive amount of water involved, deposits were often sorted into various grades and deposited over hundreds of miles, sometimes hundreds of feet thick of each grade. Sometimes with fossils, and sometimes just a particular grade of clay or sand. The fountains of the great deep broke up causing volcanism and earthquakes which would eventually push up some areas as land and some into mountains, which commonly have seashells and flood deposits on top.
Some areas have sunk down to create areas of deep sea. The volcanism would have created great heat, warming the sea and causing greater evaporation which could form ice and snow at the poles, bringing on the ice age. Much scientific work has been done on subduction where large surface masses have cooled down, or were cold, being more dense than the underlying material ("fountains of the great deep" indicate great amounts of water were beneath the crust of the earth, which would readily allow denser land material to sink) and because seismic actively enabled rifts to form the whole mass perhaps hundreds of square miles could take a rapid dive down, possibly exceeding a hundred miles an hour as it slid under.
Ancient records show that many tropical areas such as the Sahara Desert were fertile, and so there is a long history of the world warming up and the ice receding, it is not due to us polluting the atmosphere, though this may have a slight effect, but we cannot stop the global warming.

What is found.
What you do see has been termed the Cambrian Explosion, as there is suddenly a myriad of life forms without any precursors to show how they could have evolved, or even that they had time in which to evolve, from the earliest signs of microscopic life that are now being found in some lower levels. These early cambrian life forms are often described as being vastly more beautiful and on a grander scale than what we have left now. There is a host of species that dwarf the present living forms, in both size and complexity. There has been a continual loss of species, from earliest times, and we are probably loosing a hundred or so every year.
These aspects are the exact opposite of what evolution predicts, which is a gradual build up from the first simple life to bigger, better and more complex higher forms, by many small increments, or massive jumps, that by chance, always turn out to be logically sound, never a ridiculous outcome, thus defying the laws of probability. Just because there is a variety of life that can be listed in some suitable order doesn't mean they evolved in that order, or that similarities necessarily prove relatedness. Similarities, particularly in totally unrelated species could be due to the same designer reusing and modifying some aspect to be suitable for an application in another species. Consider the eyes of the octopus and human, very similar, with modifications because of the different conditions, dark and no UV radiation verses excessive light and UV radiation which would quickly damage the optic nerves, and obviously does in cases of "snow blindness" .

Claims of intermediates are very rare, and usually don't last long before being de-bunked by evolutionists themselves. All the intermediates pre-human to human have been reclassified to monkey/ape type or to human, but of course the evolutionists still use them as if true. Though there are many claims that intermediates are found, when you try to trace them back to some exacting scientific proof, you will find that it rests entirely on assumptions, based on the belief in evolution, but usually disputed by other evolutionists, and that the creation model probably is a much better explanation.

Millions of years?
Where radiometric tests have been done on deposits of known age the radiometric date is often out by so many millions of years that no radiometric dates should be believed. Usually only dates that happen to coincide with the date required by the evolution hypothesis are used, anything else is discarded as erroneous. Often remains of wood taken from deposits supposedly many million of years old still have radiocarbon which proves the deposit to be quite young, 50,000 years maximum.

World wide flood.
If the sea floor and the land surface, including mountains were leveled out there is enough water to cover the entire earth to a depth of 2.7km. With all that water how could we not have had a world wide flood? It would be a miracle if we didn't. However on the planet Mars where there is no water and little ice at the poles scientists claim huge rifts were formed by massive flooding, there is some inconsistency in their attitude. Their denial of a worldwide flood seems to be a psychological hedge against having to admit that something in the Bible is true.

While present geological processes may have operated at present rates for long periods of time, the advocates of this (creation) model contend that it is impossible to account for most of the important geological formations according to uniformitarian principles. These formations include the vast Tibetan Plateau, 750,000 square miles of sedimentary deposits many thousands of feet in thickness and now at an elevation of three miles; the Karoo Supergroup of Africa, which has been estimated by Robert Broom to contain the fossils of 800 billion vertebrate animals; the herring fossil bed in the Miocene shales of California, containing evidence that a billion fish died within a four-square mile area; and the Cumberland Bone Cave of Maryland, containing fossilized remains of dozens of species of mammals, from bats to mastodons, along with the fossils of some reptiles and birds including animals which now have accommodated to different climates and habitats from the Arctic region to tropical zones. Neither has the uniformitarian concept been sufficient to explain mountain building nor the formation of such vast lava beds as the Columbian Plateau in the northwest United States, a lava bed several thousand feet thick covering 200,000 square miles.
Duane T Gish, Ph.D. p50.
The present world conditions do not produce large areas of a consistent grade of material, but patches such as river deltas which are built up of different materials, depending on the source of the flood material. Mt St Helens was a big eruption but there is nothing that could conceivably match the Columbian Plateau lava bed which would have to be laid down fairly quickly to avoid other activity breaking up the consistency of the flow, making it several different beds. Similarly where is something like the vast Tibetan Plateau, being built up today? The uniformitarian concept fails all tests except the very recent past, perhaps only 2000 years
"At our T-rex site this summer in Montana, we found with the Rex, parts of a Triceratops, Hadrosaur and Raptor (all land animals) mixed with crocodile teeth, fish teeth, closed clams and turtles (probably water turtles). In the Colorado Morrison formation site, we found Sauropods, Stegosaur, and Allosaur (also all land animals) mixed with fish, crocodile, and turtles. One big Sauropod is upside down, and an Ankylosaur 10 feet away is also probably upside down. As far as I know all Anklyosaurs found to date in the USA are buried upside down, indicating water burial. They are on their stomachs in the Gobi desert, however."
From Joe Taylor, Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, Texas, USA

CREATION RESEARCH EDITORS COMMENT. Catastrophic flood burial and mixing of environments is an almost universal phenomena, left out of textbooks only by the continuing prejudice of geology professors against creation and Noah's Flood.

Part of an Email from by email, Evidence News Update No. 5, 23rd April, 2003AD

In my own reading I have seldom heard mention of what other fossils were found with the main fossil of interest, and any reference has been a "put down" of anything but the main fossil. Browse their site for more scientific information.

Evolution has to have a contrived, flexible readily changeable hypothesis because the data from the fossil record and science doesn't fit the belief system, mutations degrade, and there is no source for the information required to produce new aspects for a new species. There is no known way random chemicals can accidentally produce information and encode it into RNA or DNA to specify a new design feature, as the way they would naturally join together would destroy any information, nor could they accidently form the highly complex first replicating life form. It is also restricted to the observable realm, God must be excluded at all costs, as stated by some evolutionists, even though every society believes there is a spiritual realm also. However creationists are not trying to force their belief onto others, but trying to get the true scientific facts out to the public, so they are not misled by the evolutionists. Creationist scientists and other scientists do apply science correctly, but evolution theory, actually a hypothesis as it falls short of the requirements to be classed as a theory, is not a science, but a belief system used in interpreting science according to the many assumptions made in the hypothesis . This interpretation, and its application to societies morals and standards is what creationists object to, as it destroys the value of life, leading to abortions and murders and drug taking etc, as there is no purpose or future to look forward to under the evolution hypothesis.

Evidence for creation comes to a large extent from the accuracy of the prophesies that are in the Bible, many given hundreds of years before the event and many still to come. Israel returning to a land of their own, being an important one as it sets the scene for some important events, including world government and a leader who will desecrate the Temple the Jews have yet to build. Also the mark of the beast, that is the mark for buying and selling that will be in the right hand or in the forehead. This could be the latest development of the chip used for identifying dogs and cattle, which can now carry identification and transmit your global position if one of the health aspects it is monitoring needs medical help.

Creation doesn't need a contrived, highly flexible, convolutes to fits everything, hypothesis, as evolution does, as it has a statement for the facts to fit into, and careful consideration shows a very good fit compared to the bad fit of evolution to it's hypothesis, and the actual scientific and fossil data.
The statement is given above.

*1 The "creationist orchard" is the way things would develop in the Biblical perspective, in that a species created may branch out into sub-species from the genetic code that is in the DNA, often by loosing some of the code by selection or errors, but never produce some new innovation, or a different type. ie dogs wolves coyotes would be variations from the one original created kind, but not related in any way to sheep, cattle etc. This is like the usual "tree of life" evolutionists use except that instead of having apes alligators aardvarks in the one tree creationists have a separate tree for the ancestors of each, needing only a few thousand trees, as perhaps all butterflies differentiated from one original species that had masses of DNA information to enable selection to produce a great variety, and the same applies for other original kinds.

Evolutionists try to make out that creationists believe in a "creationists lawn" (an evolutionist concoction) in which absolutely every species had to be created at the beginning, ie every thing you can list as a separate species, every sort of butterfly, type of tree, animal, fish etc requiring millions of initial created kinds. They hope by this deceit to mislead people so they don't understand the truth.

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