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If you are an evolutionist have a laugh, but don't laugh for long.

"Don't assume that you know it all." Proverbs 3:7 TM

One day a scientist asked an old preacher how come the Bible version of creation defied logic. Smiling, he replied, "The reason God came from nowhere is because there wasn't anywhere for Him to come from. And coming from nowhere He stood on nothing, for there was nowhere for Him to stand. And standing on nothing He reached out where there was nowhere to reach, and caught something when there was nothing to catch. Then He hung that something on nothing and told it to stay there, and nobody said a word, because there wasn't anybody around to say anything. Then God said to Himself, That's good!"

This is similar to the evolutionists claim that in the beginning there was nothing, but it became so compressed that it exploded, and made everything, producing unimaginably complex designs, one of which now spends billions trying to discover where nothing came from, and what happened when nothing exploded. (theorizing and naming a supposed initial particle does not explain where it came from, what it was, or how it came to be compressed, and the observed results are not consistent with an explosion, or expansion from one).

Just imagine a technician assembling a computer, or a gardener laying out a garden, the intelligence and operating power is outside the project, and the project cannot investigate their maker/planter. Nor can we investigate our maker in a purely scientific way, of chemistry or measurement, we must enter into his spiritual realm, into which we are invited.

Similarly people engage in breeding programs to get the plant or animal with the characteristics they consider desirable. Doberman bred dogs to get the attributes he wanted, Again the intelligence planning and rating of the progress of the breeding program, were outside of the dogs being\bred, even though the dogs would have known Doberman, none of the dogs could question him as to why he was doing this, nor understand what was being done. We won't know the whys or wherefores of this life, unless we study the makers manual, or ask Him, an advantage we have that the dogs didn't.

Another problem is that a proper scientific study of the simplest self replicating life form shows that the extreme complexity and organised chemical order required cannot happen by chance as chemicals will never form complex processing instructions and the necessary protected chemical environment and processing equipment for even a fraction of the required complexity. Setting up an experimental system that produces a few scraps of a "tar like" substance and claiming it is proof that life could have happened by chance chemical processes is just a joke played on the gullible public. (The 1953 Miller Urey experiment managed to produce a small amount of a tar-like substance, but nothing like the claimed "building blocks of life". Anything that has a carbon atom in it is classed as organic) Evolution as taught and presented to the public portrays the "simplest" replicating cells as "just" a blob of protoplasm, and avoids telling the truth of the complexity involved, and the essential data in the DNA.

To create living entities requires a very great intelligence and planning and the ability to manipulate chemicals at the atomic level. There are many religious beliefs that believe there is a spiritual realm, some believe that spirits are in everything, animal, plants and even rocks, but don't give a coherent plausible explanation of how life started. Only the Old Testament of the Bible gives a plausible account, and the prophesies given in it and the historical records and present progress of the world into a "new world order" that will fulfill the prophesies leading up to the Messiah's return are proof of its accuracy and the authors great power and authority. He wants to have your friendship and allegiance, and for you to know and honour him, as that is the only way that we can have eternal peace. I know God and that He told the truth, and you can know Him too if you want to, as He wants your companionship through all eternity.

You cannot get to him in the scientific or physical realm, but have to call mentally or vocally in the spiritual realm, as fortunately He is always listening, so just commit yourself to Him, specify the God of Creation, or Jesus, to be sure who you talking to. (This is nothing to do with calling on local spirits, or spirits of the dead, which is strictly forbidden). Get help from a church that believes the Bible, many talk about it but don't believe this part, or that bit, and accept things that are contrary to the Bibles teaching. So read it for yourself, it's your responsibility, your future life, and your eternity follows this life.

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