ENCODE Project meets Darwinian theory, evolution, science and society.

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Email kennyern@outlook.com                

This one page reproduced from evolution.htmlplanet.com, slightly modified by permission.

ENCODE Project meets Darwinian theory,
evolution, science and society.


The ENCODE impact on evolution theory.
Richard Dawkin's et al, "pond scum" evolution teaching and its effects on society.
The usefulness of evolution teaching for physics, technology, empirical science etcetera.


Evolutionists claim that teaching of evolution is essential, it must be taught otherwise the teaching of science will suffer, and society will be worse off technologically. Evolution has no benefits for empirical science and is of little use, if any, in biology and research into viruses, as these have to be researched in the present, because they react in the present with life in the present. Some knowledge of past events and plagues may help with guidance, but this is technical information which we have obtained by research at the time, or records, not assumptions about how life may have evolved, by what path, and what possible process could start life from a random collection of unclean chemicals. Evolution is research into the past which is not directly testable. It is made up of assumptions about how people would like to believe life evolved, but it always has gaps between the species, which have to be bridged by hopeful assumptions.

Evolutionists can never explain how assumptions about past life, will be invaluable, or even relevant for physics, technology, even for the humble technician, computer programmer or builder, etcetera. How will it make them better at their vocation by believing that they are just evolved purposeless pond scum, as Dawkins, a leading proponent of evolution, claims we are? Could evolution have guided in inventing electronic valves, or the transistor, and then microcircuitry? These are examples requiring intelligent scientific research, and the idea of aimless shuffling about of chemistry to see if something evolves by evolutionary means would never achieve the complex ordered chemistry required. Try to think for yourself if understanding assumptions and beliefs about evolutionary processes many thousands of years ago will help to produce some modern technical products, or space age projects.

What does complexity tell you?

It is much better to teach that life is incredibly complex, and science is now showing amazingly intelligent design, that you are special, and have purpose and a great future ahead. Unguided randomness which is the basis of evolution will never create the interwoven complex processes that are essential to life, from the single cell to human intelligence. The proper understanding of the complexity of life, and the necessary intelligence to create life, and its source, will give people inspiration and they will work better, have better health, because they are special, so will look after themselves, and have a long term life purpose in mind, which the theory of "evolved pond scum" idea promoted by Richard Dawkins can never give them.

Evolutionary teaching just destroys any purpose or hope for the future, makes even the close relationships you strive for with partner or spouse unstable, because there is no moral reason to trust and persevere. The lack of purpose leads to drugs, violence, murder and suicide, as there can not be any worthwhile purpose for meaningless evolved pond scum. Why stress yourself out working hard, or studying for a degree, if the only future is this depressing, violent world, until you terminate? But your spirit lives on for ever, but where?

Effects on society.

Societies morals and behaviour are breaking down, with murders and school shootings, because of years of "evolved pond scum" teaching. We have lost many people who would have become great scientists or physics researchers etc, but they got depressed by the pond scum teaching, drummed into them at school, and in the media, and now they are no more. Many have so destroyed their brains with drugs that they are permanently in an institution.

Intelligent Design

Evolutionists claim that "Intelligent Design" is not a science, even though the complexity of life demands an intelligent information source. Intelligent Design specifically excludes religion, and uses up to date scientific data, and is more open to correct research and reasoning, as it doesn't have the demands that "it must prove evolution, or it must be wrong". Many ID proponents can honestly asses the research, free of having to come to a predetermined dogmatic narrow-minded belief, depending on who they work or research for. The accusation that ID is just another way of getting "religion" into schools and the media, is false, just an attempt to stop people looking at the truth of the scientific research. Many of the ID proponents may be Christians but this not a part of ID, but is an escape from the stupidity of evolution to something more reasonable, and strictly scientific, with true data research.

Encode Project.

The ENCODE Project has shown such complex computer type processes in the simplest, and in every cell, that with the other complications, such as the 10,000 rpm ATP motor, kinesins that transport things about in the cell, the absolute purity and precision required for all chemistry, and the complexity and information in the DNA, and the way it is read, that the theory of evolution is now completely dead, we are just waiting for the last diehards to realise their inevitable defeat.

For further information on the complexity of DNA etc. see Venter Ind. ground breaking research:-
Human assembled DNA that works Hailed by many evolutionists as a major victory for evolution, it actually took years of scientific research.

Simple and complex cells.

No cell, simple, plant or animal, and even each cell in your body, can live without its own ATP motor and kinesins and the precise information in the DNA and its reading/copying mechanism, so the very first living cell must have had these, but it is such a massive amount of complexity that evolution could never produce even one of these things, definitely not all in the one place at the same time, but how would the randomness of evolution contrive to integrate them. The evolutionists claim that 90% of your DNA is left-over "junk", this was because they didn't research its use, just made assumptions based on deliberate ignorance, The ENCODE Project has proved that it is the META information on how to use the information in the DNA. there is no "junk". This is now called "untranslated regions" (UTR) because it is copied along with the code for proteins, but only the protein information is translated via RNA into the required protein, enzyme or product that is required. The case for ID is so strong that evolutionists now choose to believe that the earth was seeded from some source in another galaxy, to try to avoid the obvious implications of ID. But even there the same chemical and information problems would exist, and also the problems of sending life through the extremely dangerous conditions of space, with radiation hazards, and the time involved. If a seed could still be fertile after a thousand years, how about ten thousand years or more of space travel? Also there is a strong solar wind that blows dust and small particles away from the sun in all directions. This prevents "seeds" from another planet drifting to earth, if such existed, and there is no evidence that meteors could come from outside our solar system.

The purpose of education.

All teaching, particularly the teaching of science, should teach people what they need for their future vocation, and welfare, and inspire them towards greater things, not depress them with teaching about impossible assumptions of their supposed descent from pond scum. Does the evolutionary teaching that you are just evolved pond scum make you happy, does it inspire you? If not go to In the beginning, a better perspective on the beginning of life, and your value and purpose. A general possible outline to help you to a better understanding, and where to go for more information.

True science is coming!.

The new kid on the block is true science, free from the fetters of the " you are evolved pond scum" mentality and the assumption that unguided dirty chemistry in the wild environment, will miraculously produce chirally clean, perfectly organised living entities. All attempts to prove that life could come about by accidental un-planed means have failed. Self-organisation, Biochemical Predestination, DNA first, and the RNA World all fail, to explain why and how chemicals would form chirally pure chemistry, and if even part of a protein did form why would it become connected to anything useful, as in a "prebiotic soup" or under sea vent other chemistry would join in the wrong configuration and ruin any unguided and exact manipulation, forming useless rubbish and tar-like substances. They also all fail on the main point:- the source of the exacting information needed to produce proteins and all the machinery needed for reading and copying the instructions for enzymes, proteins, etc, and the source of energy in a form that must be used in to create and operate these processes the first time in setting up the cell.

The present is the key to the past.

We know that in the present, design information only comes from a mind. The design of houses, cars, planes computers etc, have to be thought about, and then materials have to be manipulated, to bring the design to completion. Even plants and animals reproduce by design, as it is embedded in the DNA, and supplied with all the machinery to carry out the reproduction. (A virus does not have the equipment for reproduction, but has instead the instructions on how to break into an appropriate cell and insert it's own DNA into the hosts replicating machinery, AIDS is one example of this. A virus cannot be the start of life, because apart from the required complexity it cannot reproduce itself.) When an error occurs there may be an obvious defect, or just an impaired creation. Sometimes a plant will reproduce and accidentally insert an extra copy of the DNA or a gene, making the plant appear different, but no extra design information was produced, but the two copies both try to control the plant, thus giving a different characteristic. Mutations and accidents like this do not explain how the design information came about in the first place, and most often have little effect, or can have serious consequences, even ending the life. The simplest extant cell, Mycoplasma Genitalium, a tiny bacterium that inhabits the human urinary tract, requires "only" 482 proteins to perform the necessary functions and 562,000 bases in the DNA. There is a very small tolerance for errors, and in many processes none at all. J. C. Venter Industries copied DNA of one million base pairs and had just one base pair error, and this stopped the bacterium from reproducing. So random chance, or as some claim " external self organizational forces" have no chance at all of creation even one protein, let alone a self reproducing living entity. All research into the start of life have clearly shown that an outside manipulative source of design and information must be the only cause of all life. Those of us "in the know" know the answer!

See information on the ENCODE Project:

At Creation.com entering ENCODE in the top right search box brings up about seventy files to choose from, such as:
  • Creation.com/Astonishing DNA complexity update
  • Creation.com/Splicing and dicing the human genome
  • Creation.com/Pseudogene function: regulation of gene expression
  • Creation.com/Junk DNA indicted
  • Creation.com/Do new functions arise by gene duplication?
Also see Venter's research news releases on the complexity of the DNA.
Paste either into your browser:

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This page operated by Ken:- http://creationtheory.mysite.com/

Email kennyern@outlook.com                

Other people's web pages

Good scientific articles related to the complexity of life, and on:

  • Hydrothermal Origin of Life? The chemistry and theory of the situation.
  • Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Scientific details of the problem of the accidental start of life.
  • Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks.
  • ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell

http://evolution.htmlplanet.com/An effort to correct some of the problems with evolutionists more fanciful claims.

Good scientific articles, and free Email news letters on research.

Extensive range of articles on every aspect of the evolution, ID, creation and the God debate. Correct scientific data refuting the masses of evolutionary hype being promoted as if science.

A new website. By cooperation has the same file as this one, on the beginning.

A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation.

Your comments, for or against, welcome. Email me with your questions on evolution, ID, creation and the value of life:-
Email:- mailto:kenny_e@paradise.net.nz

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