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Created 30Aug 2016.

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How a prayer changed lives

It's normal in this life to have highs and lows. Many years ago my partner and I were having difficulties in our marriage. We were just not on the same wave-length, and didn't know how to solve the problems. I even tried reading a bible I had on the shelf, but I couldn't get much sense out of it, and gave up after a while.

I was so unhappy I went to the local Anglican priest to ask him how I should go about getting a separation, all I could think of, to have a breathing space while we sorted things out. He asked me if I had prayed about it. I hadn't, actually, so he suggested going to this small weekly prayer group, held in someone's home. They also studied the bible, and he said he thought this would help me, so I thought I would give it a go.

The first night I went, they were discussing "hope", and every verse had the word "hope" in it. I was amazed, and thought this was a sign I should be there. They were nice friendly people and welcomed me, so I felt comfortable about being there. There was a short prayer time near the end, supper and a chat, and I decided to go back again.

I kept going for some months, and got to know the folks better, and like them. One evening I was feeling pretty glum as I had just been diagnosed with very high cholesterol that after-noon, and I was going to have to change my diet drastically. My dad and his mother and sister had all died of heart attacks, so I was frightened, and did what I was told by the doctor. I shared this bad news with the group, and the leader offered to pray for me, so I agreed, not knowing what to expect.

He placed his hands on my head and started praying. I immediately felt some kind of power flow from his hands and into my head and down, down, down through my body and I knew, without a doubt, that it was God and he had healed me. I realised then that he really did exist, as I had had my doubts in the past, and that he loved me because he had healed me, and I was overjoyed. In my heart I responded to this revelation: "Thank you so much, God, for loving me and healing me. I've made such a mess of my life. Would you please be the boss of my life from now on. Thank you so much," or words to that effect. Anyway, I was changed in a flash. I knew he was real, that he loved me, that he had healed me, and he would never leave me, as he was going to be in charge of my life from then on. My eyes were streaming, and I had a great big grin on my face. "God healed me" was all I could say to everyone there.

The next day, when I walked down the road to catch the bus for work, the sky was so blue, the grass was so green, and the birds were singing their little hearts out. Either I had had the shutters removed from my eyes, or I had never noticed before, but the world was a different place now. I told lots of people at work that something had happened to me last night, and I had been healed, and they politely listened, no ridicule, thank goodness, just moderate interest.

I kept this experience from my husband, but I wanted him to know about it too. I bought quite a few Christian books, lots of interesting subjects, including "The Late Great Planet Earth", and there were lots of amazing things in that, so I was forever saying, "Wow, it says here.... you have to read this", and eventually he did, and got excited too. He came to some Christian events with dynamic speakers, and the night before he left for Australia for work, he heard one dynamic speaker and went forward when invited, and gave his life to Christ, and he was changed, just as I had been. We fell in love with each another again, and life was great once he came back from OZ.

Forty-five years later, we still haven't got that separation!

See The events of Passover week and how it is constrained by the rules laid down in the Old Testament. What Jesus did so you can be credited with HIS righteousness, and enter Heaven. Trying to earn your way into heaven, by deeds or gifts, is an insult because Jesus did all that was needed, you cannot add to it because that's an insult that cancels the gift.

A world crisis is looming, who is doing it and why. How it fits into the "end-time prophesies" of the Bible.666 The predicted end time events.

Why did God create the earth and us, knowing that we would be a problem that Jesus would have to "fix". A theory about the beginning and our purpose in life.beginning. Why we are here.

Ps. We went pentecostal because the Anglican Church didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit or healing, they neither read nor teach that part of the Bible. We often hear of people being healed as a result of prayer, and of marriages being set on a better path, and this is why I want to encourage you to take the Bible seriously. Read all the books of "John" and look for the instructions for the right to enter heaven and the gifts Jesus gives you here on earth if you accept his offer of "salvation", ie. entrance into heaven.

The belief in evolution cannot explain how life could start without some guiding intelligent force. In 1980, Francis Crick lamented, "An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to be satisfied to get it going."
It is much worse now, "At present, all discussions on principle theories and experiments (of the start of life) in the field either end in a stalemate or a confession of ignorance." "Everyone knows everybody else's theory doesn't work, but no one is willing to admit it about his own."
This is a well kept secrete amongst scientists, because if you speak against evolution you may loose your job. The media and school books support evolution for the same reason, read "Slaughter of the Dissidents" by Jerry Bergman, for instances of this. Just recently an editor was sacked because he allowed a science paper that had been peer reviewed to be published, and "died in the wool" evolutionists raised a storm. The public see little of this.

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