Why your evangelism didn't work!

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Why your evangelism didn't work!
They came they heard the word, even said the sinners prayer, then went away.

Perhaps you met them at an outreach and they said the sinners prayer, but never meant it, and you didn't find them again. Perhaps they are too embarrassed to tell anyone they actually said such a thing knowing their friends would ridicule them for even talking about it, let alone getting involved.

After reading this page please download the free acrobat file from: www.freewonderfulbook.com giving statistics of evangelism in USA that 80% of so called converts fall away, probably never having come to church. Also that most children intend to stop going to church when they leave home. Ray Comfort gives a very good explanation of this problem.

How they get confused by supposed facts.
They are being brought up in school with evolution as the "KEY" scientific explanation of life and how we evolved from bacteria and pond scum by a myriad of mutations and copying mistakes, that somehow progressed upward, contrary to scientific observation, that mutations damage and destroy.

'Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic"
Kansas State University immunologist Scot Todd, correspondence to Nature 410(6752):423, 30 Sept. 1999.

But who makes the rule that the very obvious inferences of the data pointing to an extremely intelligent designer, and non-naturalistic explanations can be excluded from science? Is it right to exclude something that the majority of people believe in, even horoscopes are based on some spiritual empathy with the movement of the stars. If spiritual forces exist shouldn't science be expanded to research the "para normal" and the spiritual aspects of spiritual beliefs? Only those who are afraid of the spiritual realm, which is held as true in just about every country, even in communist countries, it may not be the Christian spiritual realm, there are demonic realms, witch craft etc as well, are silly enough to deliberately blind themselves to the scientific evidence as their starting point.

Obviously the spiritual realm is not naturalistic, so even raising someone from the dead could not be taken as proof of the spiritual realm, by evolutionists and atheists as they rule the spiritual realm out, as it doesn't suit their narrow minded belief, so to them evolution is the only way to explain how life came about, and they will not think of anything else. As it is pushed in the media and schools it becomes a stumbling block to people who might otherwise become serious about Christianity.

"The most devastating thing though that biology did to Christianity was the discovery of biological evolution. Now that we know that Adam and Eve never were real people the central myth of Christianity is destroyed. If there never was an Adam and Eve there never was an original sin. If there never was an original sin there is no need for salvation. If there is no need for salvation there is no need for a saviour. And I submit that puts Jesus, historical or otherwise, into the ranks of the unemployed. I think that evolution is absolutely the death knell of Christianity."
Frank Zindler.

Our children are taught evolution at school and we wonder why children are depressed and suicidal. They are taught indirectly that they have no value, we are evolved pond scum according to Richard Dawkins, and it is alright to abort any inconveniences, thereby belittling the value of human life. This has a devastating effect on many children leaving them without purpose and with no moral guidelines.

To instill a purpose and a loving confident relationship into children you need to give them confidence in God's word. This requires scientific information that shows that evolution cannot be true. Much of this is just the simple logic of looking for actual evidence. Evolutionists skip over the start of life as they cannot imagine how life could actually start, so just infer that in some primordial pool some proteins RNA or DNA accidentally formed a copying system, and started life. The truth is that even just forming one average protein is impossible statistically, and also because water will corrupt and break up any protein quickly if it was starting to form, so all hope of primordial pools and under sea vents are an absolute failure.

That is the mindset we are up against, what does the church do to combat this pervading belief? Trying to fit the Bible to the evolutionary claims has been destroying the church for 200 years. Talking about Jesus and the Bible is shrugged off, because "science" ( that is historical forensic science assumptions which cannot be proved, and don't even give a plausible explanation for life or complexity ) has supposedly disproved the Bible, which does actually give a good explanation for the fossil record and individual layers of sediment hundreds of feet thick all over the earth.

Christian World view:
God exists.
God speaks to us via the Bible and the Holy Spirit.
We will all finish up in the spiritual realm.

Evolutionary World view:
Natural processes explain it all.
God is unnecessary.
There cannot be a spiritual realm.

Societies problems are:
Atheism, abortion, moral relativism, suicide.

If people can be shown that evolution cannot produce any credible supporting evidence, then they will have a better outlook and will take the Bible more seriously, and have a better outcome in defeating any of these problems that may be besetting them.

Society has these problems because evolution teaches the freedom to chose any moral standard you like, as ultimately there is no one to answer to, in the evolutionary concept.

The Church is in the key position to confront evolution with the truth, as we have the answer in our relationship with God, giving us the best moral standards for a harmonious happy society, and the best for each individual.

Compare christian countries with such as India, Asian countries, and Muslim societies. They are all living at the lower social-economic level as they seem to lack some drive to help each other to succeed, charity and helpfulness are missing, except for ones own family group. In some the hatred of all other beliefs stifles any idea of helping the wider community or the world.

In Christian circles it is required of us to help others, because God is helping us. In New Zealand we are still benefitting from the christian base that the early settlers established, but this is being eroded by evolutionary teaching which has opened the door to "our rights" and "hate speech" laws that are used to stop open honest discussion and caring helpful dialog. The only answer to the moral morass that our society is sinking into, is the love and caring that comes from the New Testament beliefs.

The evolutionary belief has become so pervasive that when reaching out to non christians, or even those in the church who come more for social reasons that belief, they will add Jesus to their belief in evolution, even though they are incompatible. The continued pressure to conform to society and accept the "morals" of evolution and its explanation for all life, will win out in most cases (80% in USA research) if they are not given the easily accessible evidence that evolution cannot be true, and that show that the Biblical claims fit the evidence (of fossils, of flood strata, and radiometric dating) that God created recently.

And in closing a quote from the very popular and extolled "scientist" Richard Dawkins, writer of many books praising evolution. ( The God Delusion etc.)

"I believe, but I cannot prove, that all life, all intelligence, all creativity and all 'design' anywhere in the universe is the direct or indirect product of Darwinian natural selection."
Richard Dawkins, quoted in: Roger Highfield, Science's scourge of believers declares his faith in Darwin. Daily Telegraph, January 5, 2005, p10.
Who do you want your congregation and children to believe?
Richard Dawkins knows he has no proof, so he should look elsewhere. If you stand back and let People drift, they will most likely choose the socially popular, and be lost to God.

For some of the research and statistics read the free down loadable book by Ray Comfort:
The book also includes information on evidence for God's creation and against evolution's assumptions

The book "Signature in the cell" by Steven C Meyer covers the history of many attempts to explain how life came about by naturalistic means, and how each totally failed. It is a bit technical but just reading the plain english, which is most of it, you will get a clear understanding of why evolution cannot explain the start of life, nor the assumed increase in designs since the first cell, and never will, because the all important intelligent manipulative designer is essential, and evolutionists outright deny Him.

Other well qualified scientists have written books explaining many of the problems that Darwin could not foresee, because the science was not developed enough then. I have found them very convincing.


Darwin's Black Box, by Michael J Behe.

There are also a large number of books and DVDs available from Creation.com, also many free downloadable file on just about everything on evolution, Intelligent Design and creation.

I am not involved in selling anything, I am just trying to educate people to the dangers of evolution and the moral choices that follow, for the person and for the nation.

For a long list of qualified scientists who dissent on Evolution for various reasons, and want the problems taught as well as the theory, go to:

There are many resources about Intelligent Design, ID, by highly respected scientists, and also from a Christian perspective.

Creation.com Covers just about all possible questions and about the failure of evolution to produce scientifically acceptable supporting evidence.

http://creationresearch.net/Good scientific articles, and free Email news letters on research and evidence that evolution falls woefully short scientifically .

http://www.trueorigin.org/Good scientific articles about the complexity of life and related to the above articles.

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This page operated by Ken:- http://creationtheory.mysite.com/
Email kennyern@outlook.com                

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Other people's web pages

http://www.trueorigin.org/Good scientific articles related to the above articles, on:

  • Hydrothermal Origin of Life? The chemistry and theory of the situation.
  • Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Scientific details of the problem of the accidental start of life.
  • Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks.
  • ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell.

    http://evolution.htmlplanet.com/An effort to correct some of the problems with evolutionists more fanciful claims.

    http://creationresearch.net/Good scientific articles, and free Email news letters on research.

    http://angelfire.com/ak5/once_saved A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation.

    Your comments, for or against, welcome:-kennyern@outlook.com

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