When was Jesus born?

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October 2012.

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When was Jesus born?

The Bible seems to tell you which month and an event celebrating his Birth.

The Jewish year starts on 1st Nisan which falls between 11th March and the 10th of April, since it is based on Lunar cycles.
See notes at the end about the FOUR Jewish New Years.

I have had some emails forwarded to me from a Messianic Jew saying the Messianic teaching is that the 6 months referred to is Elizabeth's 6th month. This seems to disconnect it from any time of the year, except that it was warm enough for the shepherds to be out in the fields all night. But the emails also claimed that the Jews know when Zacharias was on duty in the temple because he was of the priestly order of Abijah. so I asked for information on that, as there is no way I can connect that to a month of the year.
But now having had it pointed out to me I can see that the answer is in part of 1 Chronicles Ch24 that I read through without much though as it didn't seem to be significant.

That is exactly the reason the Church needs to get back to its Hebraic roots - without understanding the Jewishness of the Bible and the Gospel it is impossible to get it right. There are historic records of when the various divisions served in the Temple. David.

After several emails this is what I received:


An e-mailed page from a book by DAVID HAMSHIRE

Based on Rabbinic writings, the division of Abijah served as priests during the second half of the fourth month on the Jewish religious calendar, (See t Chronicles 24; 1_19 below). It was then late June when Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist. According to Luke l:24-26, Mary conceived Jesus in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy. This means that Jesus was conceived during the latter part of the Jewish month Kislev, or late December on the Gentile calendar. Jesus was born nine months later, most likely during the Feast of Tabernacles. Forty days after Jesus was born, He was dedicated to His heavenly Father at the temple. It was there that Simeon said that Jesus was a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Israel (see Luke 2:32). God's true light had come into the world to reveal His Father to us. "

The second author of the two study books on the Jewish feasts that I (David in Israel) purchased who suggested a similar position to that of Dr. Booker, is Jacob Keegstra, author of 'God's Prophetic Feasts.

Writing in 2006, Keegstra comments:

"We know that the priest Zacharias was serving in the Temple when the angel came to him to announce the birth of John the Baptist. Zacharias was assigned to the eighth group of Abijah and served during the week of the l2th Siwan. If we add the forty weeks for a normal pregnancy, we reach the I4th of Nisan; this means that John the Baptist was born at the beginning of Passover. According to Judaism, the herald of the Messiah is expected in a Passover night. Jesus was born six months after John; thus we reach the Feast of Tabernacles. Nine months before this feast, the Feast of Lights takes place, which means that Jesus was presumably conceived around the Feast of Lights or Hanukkah Feast. Was Jesus, the Light of the world, conceived at the Feast of Lights? We do know that Jesus did not come by chance, but He came in the fullness of time, very consciously at God's time. Apparently, God's acts of salvation are inseparably bound up with His festivals. " (Bold emphasis added by the Author of the book).

1 Chronicles 24 : New International Version (NIV)

1Ch 24:1 These were the divisions of the descendants of Aaron: The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
1Ch 24:2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father did, and they had no sons; so Eleazar and Ithamar served as the priests.
1Ch 24:3 With the help of Zadok a descendant of Eleazar and Ahimelek a descendant of Ithamar, David separated them into divisions for their appointed order of ministering.
1Ch 24:4 A larger number of leaders were found among Eleazar’s descendants than among Ithamar’s, and they were divided accordingly: sixteen heads of families from Eleazar’s descendants and eight heads of families from Ithamar’s descendants.
1Ch 24:5 They divided them impartially by casting lots, for there were officials of the sanctuary and officials of God among the descendants of both Eleazar and Ithamar.
1Ch 24:6 The scribe Shemaiah son of Nethanel, a Levite, recorded their names in the presence of the king and of the officials: Zadok the priest, Ahimelek son of Abiathar and the heads of families of the priests and of the Levites, one family being taken from Eleazar and then one from Ithamar.

1Ch 24:7 The first lot fell to Jehoiarib, the second to Jedaiah,
1Ch 24:8 the third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim,
1Ch 24:9 the fifth to Malkijah, the sixth to Mijamin,
1Ch 24:10 the seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah,

(and on to the 24th division:)

1Ch 24:18 the twenty-third to Delaiah and the twenty-fourth to Maaziah.
1Ch 24:19 This was their appointed order of ministering when they entered the temple of the LORD, according to the regulations prescribed for them by their ancestor Aaron, as the LORD, the God of Israel, had commanded him.

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www.out-of-zion.com for a weekly newsletter: The Carmel Alert. Information on what is happening about Israel.

The 25th of December was an old pagan festival which was put to use as a birthday celebration for Jesus as there is nothing much to do during the winter, so you might as well have a celebration for something. Since the Bible is not clear as to when Jesus was born the old festival was given a rebirth as Jesus' birthday combined with Saint Nicholas, a bishop in Asia Minor who is associated with Santa Claus (4th century), eventually morphing into "Father Christmas". Each nation has put their own "spin" on it.

The stories have become more fanciful about both Santa and Jesus, all being taught to children as if true. Later when they find out that most of the stories are just for fun, they tend to regard Jesus as just as true as Santa, but only "Santa" actually brings presents, or inspires people to give them. The real relationship with Jesus is becoming clouded over, particularly as the claims of evolution are pushed in the media. There is a great effort by Humanists and evolutionists to discredit Jesus, as the truth about him means there are rules for guidance for the best quality of life, and for your eternity, but that would restrict their actions. Unfortunately they don't investigate to find out what the eventual outcome will be, much to their eventual shame.

It is a good cheerful time in the Northern Hemisphere particularly, as the children can't get out to play very often. So enjoy it, but be careful of your spending, because the banks also rub their hands in glee at the increased overdraft interest.

To find out about your purpose in this life, from God's perspective go to:-
beginning.html. God wants your company forever.

To find out how much Jesus did so he could rightfully wipe your sins and faults and declare you perfectly righteous and take you into Heaven for everlasting joy:-

The verses you need to consider for a close relationship with Jesus.
Some of the Bible verses to consider

The four Jewish NEW YEARS

Text taken mainly from an article by Peter Pelaia, with a lot of cross checking.
Find many others on the web.

The Jewish calendar traditionally has four new years days each with a different purpose.. There are references to several of these new years days in the Torah as well. The new year on the 1st of Nisan is mentioned in both Exodus 12:2 and Deuteronomy 16:1. Rosh Hashanah on the 1st of Tishrei is described in Numbers 29:1-2 and Leviticus 23:24-25.

  • 1st of Nisan: The first new year is the 1st of the Hebrew month of Nisan, usually in the early spring (April). Nisan is considered the first month of the Hebrew calendar though years are counted from the 1st of Tishrei, the seventh month.

  • 1st of Elul: The second "new year" is on the 1st of Elul, the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar which usually falls in the late summer (August). According to the Mishnah this was the new year for animal tithes.

  • 1st of Tishrei, aka Rosh Hashanah : Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year we are most familiar with. It falls on the 1st of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, which usually corresponds to sometime in the month of September. It marks the day when the Jewish calendar year advances and is seen traditionally as the date when the world was created. . Jewish New Year 2013 was observed on September 4.

  • 15th of Shvat, aka Tu B'Shvat : Tu B'Shvat is considered the new year for trees, usually falling between January and February. According to the Torah fruits cannot be consumed from trees less than three years old, Tu B'Shvat was used as the starting date for determining the age of the trees.

Your comments, for or against, or corrections, welcome:-

This page operated by Ken:- http://creationtheory.mysite.com/
Email kennyern@outlook.com                

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Other people's web pages


creation.com. Covers just about everything on evolution/ Creation/ Intelligent Design/ God.
creation.com/contents-all-creation-magazines Access to the Magazine articles.
creation.com/journal-of-creation-archive-index More technical and scientific.

http://evolution.htmlplanet.com/An effort to correct some of the problems with evolutionists more fanciful claims.

http://creationresearch.net/Good scientific articles, and free Email news articles on research reports from scientific papers.

http://www.askjohnmackay.com/ Numerous articles on questions about evolution and ID, and Christianity.Good emails on latest science. Also on   http://www.youtube.com/user/askjohnmackay#p/u   and articles on   http://evidenceweb.net

Out of Zion Ministries www.out-of-zion.com The CARMEL ALERT email about what is happening in Israel.
(Email: kiwi@netvision.net.il Facebook: http://www.facebook.com out.of.zion.ministries Twitter: www.twitter.com outofzionmnstry)

http://www.trueorigin.org/ Good scientific articles related to various aspects of science, besides those listed here.

  • Hydrothermal Origin of Life? The chemistry and theory of the situation.
  • Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible. Scientific details of the problem of the accidental start of life.
  • Origin of Life: Instability of Building Blocks.
  • ATP: The Perfect Energy Currency for the Cell.

    http://angelfire.com/ak5/once_saved A disastrous tale of woe. Make sure you don't get caught out with one of these Bible verses that warn of the loss of salvation.

    Your comments, for or against, welcome:-kennyern@outlook.com

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